jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2021


In this blog, we’re taking a closer look at the language learning methods and foreign language teaching methods to help learners and teachers alike understand the variety of different approaches between which they can choose.

What is the importance of studying language in different educational arenas?

study language it is important to understand the structure, acquisition, and use of language,  and also is essential for teaching foreign and second languages, as well as for teaching reading, can also promote a fuller understanding of language variation and language use in the classroom, and provide information on how to teach children to read bilingual education and other language skills.

    About us...

Hi everyone! My name is Mabel Berrios, I am 23 years old. I study foreign languages ​​at UNAH. I would like to win a scholarship to study abroad and specialize in translation and interpretation.

Hi, I'm Lixy Carias, I'm 22 years old. I am studying the foreign language Program at UNAH. I would like to finish my career as soon as possible and put my knowledge into practice.

Hello, my name is Ana Belen Posadas, I am 20 years old, I am a student, I study Foreign Languages at UNAH. I like reading and learning new languages.

Hello! My name is Cesar Izaguirre, I am 25 years old,I live in Tegucigalpa D.C. I study Foreign Languages at UNAH, I plan to get a job in a big company and I want to Master Degree For the Future.


    Video Presentation Powtoon

Power Point Presentation


Grammar translation

Grammar translation
The focus of this method is on the translations of text, grammar, and rote learning of vocabulary in other words (memorization).


This is  A teaching method based on the idea of how the human brain works and how we learn most effectively. It includes rich sensory learning, a positive expectation of success, and the use of a varied range of methods like dramatized texts, music, active participation in songs and games, 

Silent way

The silent way viewed learning as a problem solving, creative, discovering, activity, where the learner is the main character, for Gattegno, he uses colored sticks called Cuisenaire rods and Fidel charts to teach sounds.

 Communicative  language 

Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an approach to lannguage teaching  that emphasizes interaction  as both the means and the ultimate goal of study.

Teaching reading and Bilingual Education

Teachers devote a great amount of time to developing reading skills and strategies to help students use contextual clues.



              I.         Language and education

The study of language has important implications for education especially as regards reading instruction and the teaching of second language learners.

             II.        Second language teaching Methods:

Some of the second languages teaching methods focus more on the grammatical aspects of the target language, and others focus more on getting students to communicate in the target language, with less regard for grammatical accuracy.

  The most important language teaching methodologies are:

§  Grammar translation: Grammar rules are to be memorized and students learn long lists of vocabulary. There is no emphasis placed on developing oral ability.

§  Total Physical Response (TPR): TPR works by having the learner respond to simple commands such as “stand up”.  The method stresses the importance of aural comprehension.   

§  Suggestopedia: A language can be acquired only when the learner is receptive and has no mental blocks.

The silent way: The teacher says as little as possible in order that the learner can be in control of he wants to say.

§  Communicative language teaching (CLT): CTL enables the learner to communicate effectively in the various situations she woud be likely to find herself in.

           III.        Teaching Reading Methods

Writing and reading, unlike speaking and understanding, must be taught. Three methods of teaching reading have been used in the United States:

·         whole- word, and whole-language. In the whole-word and whole-language approaches, children are taught to recognize entire words without regard to individual letters and sounds.

·          phonics The phonics approach emphasizes the spelling- sound correspondences of the language, and thus draws on the child’s innate phonological knowledge.

           IV.        Bilingual Education

Immigrant children must acquire English (or whatever the majority language is in a particular country). Younger students must at the same time acquire literacy skills (reading and writing), and students of all ages must learn content material such as math, science, and so on. This is a formidable task. Bilingual education programs are designed to help achieve these multiple aims by teaching children literacy and content material in their native language while they are acquiring English. Research has shown that immigrant children benefit from instruction in their native language, but many people oppose these programs. There are different program models that can be used in bilingual education. Historically, program models used for English Student Learners have focused on helping students transition from their native language to English:

·         Transitional bilingual education: Involves the partial or total use of the child´s home language when the child enters school, and later a change to the use of the school language only.

·         Maintenance bilingual education: Involves the use of the child´s home language when the child enters school, then a gradual change to the use of the school language for teaching some subjects and the native language for teaching others.

·         Dual language immersion: enrolls English speaking children and students who are native in another language in roughly equal numbers. 

Semantic Map

Discussion Questions

1.    . Can personality change when speaking another language?

Usually, they change their morale when they make decisions in languages other than native. For example, in the mother tongue, the tendency is to be more emotional and more rational when speaking a foreign language


2.    Do you think it is necessary to apply all language methods to learn?

It may depend on the grade or difficulty of teaching you want to apply, as the methodology changes in your way of learning a new language or part of the language.


3.    Is it necessary to look for more methods to obtain more adequate learning?


That varies since not all people apply the same methodology, you can look for and try a way to understand it, as well as have an idea that can help you achieve your project or goal.


4.    Would it be relevant for the person who taught you a language to be native to you to be able to speak another language?


The right thing would be for the person to be native to the country that you want to learn the language, this because you get a better accent or intonation of words by making appropriate use of the language to learn.


5.    Can it affect the dialect when learning English?


It could have one or two variations, making the teaching change, but the purpose is the same, the same goal to learn another language, since there are 2 dialects; African American English and Standard American English.


6.    What changes can be observed within methology that vary its teaching?


You can see different or similar changes in the methologies, for example you can start with a basic vocabulary and grammatical rules by making the teaching flow on a level even, the possible changes that can be perceived could be that some: the difficulty of explaining actions, presentation, practice, abstract system and use of material instruments.


7.    Can the bilingual education system break down?

The bilingual education system can be synthesized into 3 basic branches making the best learning model to people, these branches can be divided into transitional bilingual education, bilingual maintenance and dual language immersion.


8.    Can there be versatility in the use of language?

 If there can be versatility, it can be developed in phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics, producing a better use of language, making this a more complex way to understand and know its management in practice.

9.    Can you learn another language using sign language?


Sign language is widely used today, because of the disabilities some people have but you can not only work with people affected by accidents or with disabilities at birth, in fact, you can learn to communicate with others since language handles the use of meaningful hand movements thus producing communication.


10.Do you believe that presentation and practice is applicable to the suggestopedia method?


Not only the presentation and the practice is applied we also have the active concert and the passive concert. The presentation is the grammar and lexis of the content, the active concert the teacher reads the text at a normal speed, at the passive concert the students relax and listen to the teacher read the text calmly and in practice the students complete what they have learned with dramas, songs and games. 

Useful links







Mabel Berrios

-In teaching and education, teachers must know all the methods and apply the one that favors us. It is important to know all of them since each child learns in a different and unique way.

1. There are different teaching methods.  
2. We must know all the methods.  
3. We must adapt the methods to each child.

Ana Belen Posadas

What I liked about this project was how much I learned about language and education and how they are related, I also learned about bilingual education. It was excellent working with a good group organization and doing all the work with anticipated time, in addition to the fact that the instructions for the project were very precise and therefore there were no problems. What I did not like is that some information was not complete in chapter 7, but the external sources were very clear.

Lixy Lopez

Learning a second language is an important task regardless of age, it will always be a challenge, for that reason you must know and apply the different methods and learning techniques, not everyone learns in the same way. 

1. There are learning methods according to age.
2. It is important to observe and know the method that best suits you.
3. There are not only traditional learning methods.

Cesar  Izaguirre

What I like about this project is that I learned a lot, from the methodologies that exist to learn a language, what I don’t like is that some methodologies are something complex or something extensive to learn and develop in class, what I learned is that there is more than one dialect within the same language, that you can not only learn and teach through words but also by signs making this more complex to speak a language, what could change him would be to try to exemplify but the methodology making it more versatile and finally I suggest using more the field of presentation, active sections and practice in different ways, singing, talking, playing, dramatizing, make learning more active and full of life. 

look at


FIS. (2008, May 12). Language teaching methodologies.http://esl.fis.edu/teachers/support/method.htm

Willis, D. (1990) The Lexical Syllabus. Collins Cobuild -Extracted from http://esl.fis.edu/teachers/support/method.htm: 

Valencia,F, Siguenza,D, Martinez,M, & Murga,K. (2020). The Amazing World of Teaching. Extracted from: https://sites.google.com/site/theamazingworldofteaching/

K12 academics. (2004). Extracted from https://www.k12academics.com/education-subjects/language-education/language-teaching-methods/suggestopedia

Richards, J. C. (06 de July de 2010). CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS.Extracted from https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/approaches-and-methods-in-language-teaching/silent-way/75639151C49CFB9FECC02814BDE9200B#


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In this blog, we’re taking a closer look at the language learning methods and foreign language teaching methods to help learners and teacher...